
Spread awareness of green initiatives 

ACE Fellowship for Young Leaders Program  

ACE(Action for Clean Environment), a global non-profit organization that aims to facilitate global environmental activism, completed the 2024 Fellowship for Young Leaders Program. This was the program's fifth year, and a ceremony was held on July 20 at the Seoul Club in Seoul, Korea to mark the occasion.

▎The ACE Fellowship Youth Leader Program Completion Ceremony was held at the Seoul Club on July 20, 2024. Photo:ACE
Twelve students of various ages, second to eleventh grade, participated in the program this year. The program comprised three main sessions over three weeks: 1) active team debate on the issue of pollution 2) touring Simple Planet (Food-tech start-up producing future food) located in Seoul 3) an essay writing and group presentation. The leaders and fellows engaged in dynamic discussions and activities regarding global environmental issues through the program.

Junhyuk Bhang (Seoul International School) who served as Junior Leader, said “I learned much about green plant-saving approaches. I hope that with this amazing learning experience focusing on green initiatives, we can spread awareness of the actions humanity needs to take as a whole to save our planet. Moreover, I loved how my team was able to discuss actions that we could collectively take to spread awareness of green initiatives.”

“It was a proud moment to watch young students demonstrate their passion for solving global environmental problems and develop actionable plans without active guidance from adults,” said Tony Lee, executive director of ACE.

202408호 (2024.07.23)
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